Meet the Founder
Ken Morris
Ken is the Founder and CEO of The Life Equity Group. He has been involved in the alternative financial industry for well over 25 years, and he is considered to be a pioneer in the life settlement industry. Through Ken’s leadership and efforts, he and his business partners have been able to raise several hundred million in investor capital from qualified and accredited investors to large institutional investment banks. The investors who have invested in alternatives have been able to earn historical double-digit annual yields all without having market risks.
Today, Ken and his company’s passion has never been stronger in the effort to help educate financial professionals throughout the country on the benefits that alternative investments and tax mitigation strategies and what they can offer you and your financial practice. Clients look up to you for financial advice and you should be educating them as to why alternatives are essential to their portfolio. Alternative Investments are absolutely a value-add to your financial practice. Understand that that by offering compliant alternative investment strategies, financial practices are able to put more money under management and they get to create an unfair competitive advantage over your competitors.

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